Highly Intuitive Kids

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
~Albert Einstein~

Signs a Highly Intuitive Child Needs Help
Ask for help not because you're weak, but because you want to remain strong.
- Les Brown
Highly intuitive kids pick up on a lot of subtle information about people places and events and sometimes that information can trigger anxiety symptoms, such as:
disturbance or nightmares
somatic distress
difficulty relaxing
This subtle information can disturb the child's inner sense of safety, spike stress levels, and put them at risk for anxiety.
Too much stress raises the likelihood of anxiety symptoms surfacing. In many cases, stress is the key factor that triggers anxiety in sensitive children.
Staying committed to stress management can greatly reduce the likelihood of a child developing anxiety.
Some highly intuitive kids experience depression. Some of the contributing factors are:
being overwhelmed by too much painful input from their immediate life or the world
exhaustion from overworking their empathic abilities
untreated anxiety
loss of self that comes from pleasing others at the expense of one's own needs and wants
feeling that they are not at home in this world.
According to Elaine Aron, PhD, author of the Highly Sensitive Child and Highly Sensitive Person believes that one of the most important ways we can prevent intuitive depression is by ensuring that the child has a deep sense of meaning in his or her life.
Dr. Aron believes it is very important to listen and stay attuned to the needs of intuitive people when they are depressed. Several studies have shown that intuitive types are most likely to have suicidal thoughts when they are depressed.