Highly Intuitive Kids

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
~Albert Einstein~
Below are some recommended resources you may find helpful. Highly Intuitive Kids participates in the Amazon Associate program. We earn from qualifying purchases. We would appreciate your support by buying these resources through our website. You can do this by clicking on the title of each item. The link will take you directly to Amazon to make your purchase. These monies go toward helping to bring more efforts to our community.
by Dr. Judith Orloff
by Dr. Judith Orloff
An Intuitive Psychiatrist Tells Her Extraordinary Story and Shows You How To Tap Your Own Inner Wisdom
by Dr. Judith Orloff
Memories from Heaven: Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth
by Dr. Wayne Dyer and Dee Garnes
Dreamers, Discoverers, and Dynamos: How to Help the Child Who Is Bright, Bored, and Having Trouble In School by Lucy Jo Palladino
(Softcover with new title)
Imagine Meditation Cards for Kids with Calming Meditations.
Great for Parents, Teachers, & Therapists
Why it's essential students get more movement in schools & how to integrate more movement into the classroom for greater learning outcomes.
by Rebecca Kramer Fiscal
Yoga for Kids and Their Grown -Ups:
100+ Yoga & mindfulness activities to practice together
by Katherine Priore Ghannam
Art for Children & Adults

The Creative Journal for Children: A Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Counselors
by Lucia Capacchione