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Myers Briggs Personality Assessment

One way to determine if your tween or teen is highly intuitive is to have him or her take a free online Myers Briggs Personality Assessment.

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Intuition became valid to the mainstream after Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, suggested people had different ways of learning or absorbing information. Jung included intuition as one of four ways we process information--thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuition. 


- Catherine Crawford,  author of The Highly Intuitive Child: A Guide to Understanding and Parenting Unusually Sensitive and Empathic Children

Intuitive Thinkers & Intuitive Feelers

People with high levels of intuition typically fall into two subsets: intuitive empaths and intuitive thinkers.


The popular Myers-Briggs typology test for adults was designed to determine whether or not a person possesses more sensate, feeling, thinking, or intuitive ways of approaching decision making and style of being in the world.


It assesses strong tendencies in one of the four areas but also highlights the need to develop the weaker tendencies in order to live a balanced life. This test has been so helpful in the workplace and other setting that it is still widely used today. 


Parents, caregivers, educators, and others can benefit from knowing the primary style of a child and adapting around their strengths.


According to the Myer's -Briggs test, the sensing/sensate function involves what can be experienced through the five senses, whereas the intuitive function has the ability to see the big picture, or the gestalt, in any given situation. 


Intuitive thinkers like Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein, experience and express their intuitive insights through cognitive channels. Einstein took an intuitive quantum leap in his thinking and came up with the theory of relativity without first making step-by-step rational analysis. It wasn't until after he had leaped to the intuitive conclusion of this theory that he then employed rational cause-and-effect thinking to help explain it to the rest of the world. Einstein is a great example of intuition and rational thinking working in concert with each other and of the power of intuitive thinking.


Intuitive empaths, on the other hand, experience intuition through their body and emotions. 

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