Highly Intuitive Kids

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
~Albert Einstein~

Primary Actions for Parenting Highly Intuitive Kids
Our children's intuitive gifts, whether creative, empathic, psychic, artistic, or entrepreneurial are the doorways for their self expression and empowerment actions.
- Caron Goode and Tara Paterson the authors of Raising Intuitive Children: Guide Your Children to Know and Trust Their Gifts,
Highly intuitive kids need your support, whether or not you are an intuitive parent. Because intuitive kids can feel each time you are not sincere, caring, or congruent in your messages, we have to get our actions together.
1. Respecting - offer positive regard for an intuitive's talents or activities.
2. Hearing - listen to all that your child has to say.
3. Acknowledging--accepting, noticing, validating.
4. Valuing - to consider their worth, importance, and contribution.
5. Appreciating - to be grateful for their unique contribution or mission.
6. Supporting -to give help, provide comfort, and emotional support.
These six actions of love buffer children from the overflow of creativity that results in being call on the carpet, empathy that results in meltdown or psychic skills that frighten the psychic child. To feel empowered in the use of their gifts, these children need the extra insulation.
Children gain empowerment by seeing the effectiveness of their personal beliefs, intuitions, and actions, all of which start with the parent-child interactions. Empowered children develop trust in their intuition.
On the other hand, if the child's temperament and gifts have been misunderstood and marginalized, the child can feel that his or her true self is not being seen and accepted.
Encourage Intuitive Strength
As kids grow older, they gain esteem through accomplishments, just as adults do.
Be the coach. Encourage them to move through a project that seems boring, hard, or intense for them. Help them focus and finish.
Be the cheerleader. If we know they can do it and they are stuck, ask them to try another way. Or, ask questions to help them think through the situation. Focus and finish
Be the leader. Experience new adventures with them.
Be the inviter. Challenge them to stretch their abilities.
Be the optimist. Help them cope with defeat.
Be the realist. Help them deal with situations realistically.
Be a parent with heart. Teach them empathy. Be aware and take care.
Be an example of service. Involve them in projects that feel good to their hearts.