Highly Intuitive Kids

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
~Albert Einstein~

10 Skills for Highly Intuitive Children
There are 10 skills or competencies highly intuitive kids need to learn, or at least begin to learn, before leaving home as young adults.
Even if these skills aren't mastered by the time they leave home, the seeds for these skills will be planted and can be utilized at at time when they are ready.
- Catherine Crawford, author of the Highly Intuitive Child:
A Guide to Understanding and Parenting Unusually Sensitive and Empathic Children
Skill Number 1: Learning How to Tell the Difference between Random Fears and Intuition
Teach him or her to act on their hunches in appropriate ways
Check for validity whenever possible
Skill Number 2: Regulating the Intuitive Antenna
Deep breathing and mindfulness
Skill Number 3: Turning the Volume down on the Intuitive Dial
Encourage physical activity and exercise
Turn on some music or an audio story
Focus on the here and now
Skill Number 4: Cultivating an Intuitive Vocabulary
For safety
For empathic overload
For making a decision
Skill Number 5: Paying Attention to What You Want and Need
Dealing with sensitive body needs
Reducing empathic stress
Setting intuitive boundaries
Counterbalancing their heightened awareness of other people’s needs
Skill Number 6: Practicing Daily Energy Hygiene
Hoot, Shake, Scrub, Breathe, Imagine, Send
Anchor the energy hygiene skill – daily
Skill Number 7: Staying Grounded
Stabilizing awareness in the here and now
Fun ways for children to ground includes--playing outside, time spent around water, dance, climbing trees, playing with clay, playing a musical instrument or rhythmic drumming, rubbing the child’s feet and/or back
Keeping two feet in the here and now through—Acceptance, Belonging, and Connection
Skill Number 8: Distinguishing Your Energy from That of Others
“Is this feeling mine, or does it belong to someone else?”
“What do I need to do here, if anything?”
Skill Number 9: Handling Faulty Intuitive Conclusions/Checking Facts
Help your child learn how to check the facts and evaluate their conclusions
Engaging both the intuitive and logical “muscles” is vital
Help your child confirm their impressions through facts and logic – builds confidence, ability to recognize the difference between true intuition, imagination, fear, or anxiety.
Skill Number 10: Incorporating Intuitive Empathy into Everyday Life
Being highly intuitive and empathic isn’t something a child chooses—it is a trait he or she is born with.
Practicing and living these 10 skills brings understanding and appreciation for these gifts and fosters an openness in the child to share them in the world.